21 - 23 KASIM 2024


Sayın Meslektaşlarım

20-23 Kasım 2024’te İstanbul'da gerçekleşecek olan Hepato Pankreato Biliyer Cerrahi, Gastrointestinal Cerrahi ve Onkoloji’nin tüm alanlarını multidisipliner bir anlayışla kapsayan ‘10. Uluslararası Onko Cerrahi Günleri’ne sizleri organizasyon komitesi adına davet etmekten büyük onur ve mutluluk duyuyoruz.

International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists (IASGO) ile yıllardır devam eden bilimsel işbirliğimizin yanı sıra bu seneki toplantıyı özel kılan bir diğer durum ise Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) Türkiye masasının kurulumunu da tamamlamış olmamız. Bu işbirliği kongremizi bilimsel açıdan her zamankinden çok daha güçlü kılıyor. Bu uluslararası kongreye dünyanın birçok ülkesinden kendi alanında uzman çok değerli konuşmacılar katılacak.

Ayrıca bu toplantı tüm katılımcılara, ortaya çıkan sorunları tartışmak, en güncel bilgileri paylaşmak ve bu alandaki en son gelişmelerden haberdar olmanın yanı sıra alanında seçkin uzmanlarla tanışmak için mükemmel bir fırsat sağlayacaktır.

Yaklaşık 350 katılımcı ile tamamlamayı hedeflediğimiz bu etkinlikte desteklerinizle yanımızda görmekten memnuniyet duyacağımızı bildirmek isteriz.

Ender Dulundu
Kongre Başkanı

Ömer Günal
Kongre Sekreteri

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

As Secretary-General of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists (IASGO), along with General-Secretary Kyoichi Takaori, and President Mohamed Abdel Wahab, I am truly delighted to welcome you, along with Symposium Chair Prof. Ender Dulundu to the 10th International Onco-Surgery Days, which will take place in Istanbul on November 20-23, 2024.

This exceptional multidisciplinary event will be hosted jointly with the establishment of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) Turkey. Furthermore, the organizers have planned joint sessions on controversial surgery issues with the active participation and support of the European Federation International Society for Digestive Surgery (EFISDS) and SSAT.

IASGO was originally founded in 1988 as a unique multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary society whose goal was to pursue the mission of globalization of the best medical knowledge and practice. We encourage medical experts of all specialties to join forces with partners worldwide to realize this mission of IASGO. As we always firmly believed, up-to-date medical knowledge and expertise could and should benefit all communities worldwide and should be made available beyond any discrimination to every patient suffering from challenging and life-threatening diseases. IASGO’s leadership strives to implement this vision through a well-structured educational program. The program has a global reach and is teaching and promoting multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, collaborative approaches for treating intractable diseases. In this spirit, we are thrilled to continue our decades-long collaboration with IASGO leaders from Turkey, which included the hosting of our 33rd IASGO World Congress in 2022.

I want to convey my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to Professor Ender Dulundu, the Organizing Committee, and the organizing and co-organizing associations. They put together an exciting multidisciplinary scientific program with outstanding speakers and an exceptional social program despite these difficult, challenging times. Their support and dedication were critical for the success of this important meeting. The program includes world-renowned faculty from all over the world: Ho-Seong Han, Jean Nicolas Vauthey, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Eduardo De Santibanes, Roberto Troisi, Guido Torzilli, Fabrizio Panaro, Pal Dag Line, Mustapha Adham, and Gregor Stavrou. The program includes pre-conference courses on Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery and Laparoscopic HPB Surgery in Pigs on November 20, and a hands-on intraoperative ultrasound course on November 21.

All of us at IASGO look very much forward to welcoming you and reconnecting with you again at this exciting event. It will be, no doubt, a celebration of the latest medical and scientific advancements in GI cancer treatment but also a wonderful reunion of old and new friends. Hope to see you soon in beautiful Istanbul!

Kyoichi Takaori
General-Secretary IASGO

Dan G. Duda
General-Secretary IASGO